We at Kalamazoo Tree Service want to make sure you have all the information you need to make the right decision about the tree services you need for your home or business property. Below, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions we get. If you cannot find the information you are looking for here, feel free to contact us, and we will provide you with the information you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with insurance companies?

Yes, in most cases we can verify your insurance policy coverage, remove the tree, and tarp the area all in the same day! Ask us about our $500 unforeseen discount for customers who are not anticipating these sudden tree expenses.

How do I make an insurance claim?

Call us at 269-744-5569 and we will help connect you with your insurance-claims office’s main headquarters, where you can obtain the most accurate information about your claim.

Will you help me answer questions about my claim during the entire claim process?

YES! Please call 269-744-5569 anytime day or night if you have any questions about your claims process. We make the policy handling easy and know exactly what you are owed. If you pay $1 over your deductible, we can help you recoup that.

Will you wait until my insurance company pays me before you collect any funds?

Yes, if a tree has fallen onto your home or property, just give us a call, and we will respond as quickly as possible, completing the work with no money down. For insurance related claims, we will wait for payment until you receive a check from your insurance company.

Do you offer discounts for people who have had trees damage their home or property or are in an emergency situation?

YES, call us and explain your tree situation and we will determine if you qualify.

How fast can you respond to a tree that has fallen on my home or property?

In most cases, we can verify your policy coverages, remove the tree from your structure to prevent further damage, and tarp the damaged area all in the same day. For the quickest response call or text 269-744-5569.

What do I do if I see a tree that has fallen and damaged someone’s home or property in my community?

We will give you a $100 tree referral bonus, if you alert us to a tree that has fallen and caused damage to someone’s home or property and is a paid insurance claim that we complete. Go out and enjoy the great outdoors for a potential hundred dollar walk, run or bike ride in your neighborhood today! Call us for more details 269-744-5569

Can I keep the wood from the tree?

Yes, we will even cut it up into manageable pieces, taking all of the branches and leaving only wood no less than 6 inches in diameter, if you wish.

How do I contact you?

You can use the contact page on this site to request service, but for emergency tree services, you should call us for a much quicker response at 269-744-5569

Call Now: 269.744.5569

Kalamazoo Tree Service